Monday, September 28, 2009

the diamond and my MP

MP - monsieur perfect- with the diamond.
i heard bout this early this year but didn't take it seriously.
ya know. i'm addicted to this guy and try not to listen to those gossips.
but hell ya! IT.IS.TRUE. stupid! watever then. i'm no longer head over heels or even got his name carved on my heart. hell no! NOT ANYMORE.
but they said there's a contract between them. they're together for a short period. fourtnight i guess! hahha. lucky girl. based on her appearance i don't think she's beautiful. not even sweet! how come my MP falls for her? people said: beauty is sumthing subjective. YEAH RIGHT! a subjective matter with answer schemes? thats not subjective lah!

p/s: who even cares about him anymore? WELL, I DO! only if he is a friend of mine but hey, SINCE WHEN!

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