Wednesday, March 9, 2011

F for Freaking Hard.

*i'm the copycat.
*got this one from maryam's blog.


Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name:
Fatimah Zahra Zulqarnain 

A four letter word:
Fond *takkan nak cakap that dirty word starts with f tu pulak.*

 A boy's name:
Fahrin Ahmad (and it could also be FIZO OMAR, FIZZ FAIRUZ, or FARID WAJDI  eh, nama dia Muhammad kat depan kan?. sigh *dan aku rasa mereka 'guy' bukannya 'boy'.)

A girl's name:
Farah husna bt shafie (my classmate. miss your dimples.. big time!)

An occupation:
FOUNDER *idk, for any organisation i'll say.

Something you'll wear:
Flat. i need one.

A type of food:
fettucini. *gahh, WTH is that? letaklah lain. but it just crossed my mind. haha. tak aci. erm, sedapnye.*

Something found in the bathroom:

A place:
france.. wee~ ~

A reason for being late:
fumble for my car key for more than an hour. gahhh. *tipu*

Something u'd shout:

Something you drink:
fruit juice

A musical group:
far-east *far-east je. bukan far east movement.

An animal:

A type of car:
wohooo. FERRARI~ *that's the company ngeng. huhh.*

A type of fruit:
FIJI APPLE. *hahaha, main tipu*

and i'm passing this to :
fair enough to say 'anyone'. i'm a copycat myself. haha. <-- see, this one starts with F too. haha.


Anonymous said...

nk tanya satu soalan...mcm mne kau buat 'cut' - nk baca lg?? tu? sbb aku mmg x reti nk buat benda tu kat blogspot (atupun sbb aku dh lama x men blogspot..hehe...)

TiM said...

*bangga nak cite*

aku rasa macam aku perlu buat ni sebab post aku mostly panjang berjela.

kalau nak buat macam ni, kau tgk kat 'new post' punya bahagian. kan ada editing tools kat atas tu kan?

untuk buat "read more' ni, kau kena klik kat gambar yang sebelah "insert video", ikon untuk 'read more ni", kalau kau lalukan cursor atas dia, dia tulis "insert jump break".

untuk tentukan jump break ni nak letak kat mana, kau kena letakkan benda yg untuk taip tu yg macam ji 'I' kan, haa, letak kat awal tempat yang kau nak putuskan.

*sebaiknya, kau letak kat penghujung ayat yang macam ada gimik. yang boleh buat orang tertanya-tanya atau letak kat ayat yang tergantung. so, orang yang dah baca akan geram je nak baca lagi. dia akan bacalah lepas tu.

*sepatutnya dah boleh buat post dgn tutorial ni, kan? haha.

*kalau tak faham jugak, dekat butang 'design' untuk blog kau, akna keluar layout blog secara kasar. kau klik pada 'edit' dekat kotak 'blog posts' tu. nanti keluar pop-up. kat situ akan ada bhgian 'post page link text'. yg ni, kau tukarkan aje ayat "read more" tu kepada ayat yang lebih catchy. *macam aku buatlah*.

kat tepi tu ada ikon tanda soal, kalau kau nak faham lebih, kau tekan aje. dari A to Z dia terangkan. tapi kau still pakai blogger ke?

dah tukar kan?

Unknown said...

hahaha.. menarik ni.. :D

TiM said...

thanks. buatlah jugak.

tapi jgnlah google.

tak acik.