Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i will compare my beloved to..

assalamualaikum :')

entah kenapa tiba-tiba teringat soalan ni. ini salah satu soalan (daripada berbelas set soalan) yang kami pelajar tingkatan 5 ikram buat dulu. siapa ingat lagi? haa, dan salah satu jawapan yang paling kelakar ialah


reason: because she's so soft (?) and mouth watering (?)
okay, maybe aku tokok tambah and exaggerate sikit.
tapi bila tiba turn aku aku cakap laa

reason: because only the chosen one can see his love and feel his affection.
(and how i hope it was me)

tapi malangnya teacher cakap: huh? whats that? let me see your paper.
okay, next time you should use something more rational ang logically accepted.
not everyone know what is aurora.
understand? okay try another one

and then aku cakap ape entah.
tapi seriously? salah ke apa aku cakap?
betullah kan?

PS: aku ingat lagi jawapan sepet . "oxygen" because i can't live without him. CHEESY..


Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum..timah ni teah.. tahniah dapat straight a's babe.. just a mere reminder from a mere friend..just do every little and big things because of Allah..i had learnt my lessons because my intentions to success was not because of Allah and i had received the consequences.yeah,i know i don't deserve to talk about this but since we are not going to meet anymore,live a full life!ok~ kalke.

Iffah Syuqaira said...

berkerut gak ar dahi aku masa mula2 tengok post ni...then 3 saat lepas tu, memories recalled. serius, best giler soalan tu!

anyway, all the best for your camp! byk tu offer kau dpt. Aku dpt satu je (sbb aku minta satu je!)

~i'm the flying birds~ said...

oit, tak blh lpe nye bnde nih... haha.. kalakar an... ak teringat sorg ni ckp... compared to sambal belacan.. haha2..

TiM said...

anon a.k.a teah:

thanks for your reminder. the biggest room in life is the room for improvement (learn that in my camp). and your reminder will always makes me improve to become a better person. insya-Allah, i'll do my best in keeping everything intended for Allah's and islam's sake.

yes.. and yes. i recalled this one when i'm watching the TV. kinda funny because we get (and try) to give an answer that's far beyond humand logical reasoning. its a very weird comparison though!

who said that? i can't remember anyone saying 'sambal belacan' as an answer. but my guess.. ermm.. falhie erk? sila jawab ye!